‘Club & County’ Fund-Raising Venture A Huge Success

By Offaly PRO Sun 28th Mar

‘Club & County’ Fund-Raising Venture A Huge Success
‘Club & County’ Fund-Raising Venture A Huge Success

A whopping €200,000 was raised by Offaly GAA in a fund-raising venture last weekend which greatly exceeded expectations. As the annual ‘Grand Canal Walk’ could not take place due to Covid-19 restrictions, it was transformed into a ‘Walk For Club And County’ with participants either walking or running within 5km of their homes all across the county.

The event was coordinated by a sub-committee of Offaly GAA in conjunction with the official supporters’ club, ‘Club Faithful’. All 41 GAA Clubs in the county and Offaly inter-county teams rowed in behind the venture, with remarkable results.

Like most County Boards, Offaly GAA reported a large shortfall for 2020 as games were held behind closed doors or with severely restricted attendances. The County Board’s share of the profits will go towards reducing that deficit while, at the same time, clubs have also gained some badly needed funds. It was agreed beforehand that the amount raised by each participant would be split 50-50 between the County Board and their own Club.

County Board Chairman, Michael Duignan said he was particularly pleased with the huge number of individual subscribers to the fund-raising event. “That was the thing I was most driven by. Obviously, the money is needed and what’s raised is fantastic, by Sunday afternoon over 6,400 people had contributed and that’s hugely encouraging for me,” he said.

“This is the type of engagement with our people, our clubs and our communities that’s needed if we are to get back to where we want to in Offaly,” Michael added. “We’re a small county, but a proud county, and we need every man, woman and child in Offaly behind us. It’s been a huge boost to me and the other officers of the County Board. I hope our clubs and supporters feel the same.”

“I’d again like to sincerely thank all our clubs and their representatives, and the county players and their management teams, for getting in behind us. Officials from Club Faithful and our County Board did huge work behind-the-scenes and I wish to thank them also,” Michael said.

By Offaly PRO Sun 28th Mar

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