Information On Tickets For Offaly GAA Club Games

By Offaly PRO Fri 17th Jul

Information On Tickets For Offaly GAA Club Games
Information On Tickets For Offaly GAA Club Games

Offaly GAA Ticket Arrangements For Upcoming Club Games

In light of the Government’s decision to defer Phase 4 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society & Business until 10th August, the Offaly GAA Management Committee has been obliged to adjust some plans for the upcoming Club Championships.

Total capacity at all GAA Grounds is restricted to 200 persons.  This includes all present at the ground: players, backroom staff, volunteers & spectators.  Therefore, each club will receive 40 tickets for use by players, management and match officials.  In addition, each of the competing clubs will receive 50 tickets for sale.  All tickets must be purchased before spectators arrive at a venue – it will not be possible to accept cash at the gates.

Offaly GAA is pleased to announce a partnership with Future Ticketing for the 2020 season, which will facilitate the distribution and sale of tickets online. Correspondence will be sent to clubs early next week providing exact details on how this system will operate.

All those who have purchased season tickets may present them at a venue, however it will not be possible at this time to accept the complimentary senior citizens passes which are in circulation.

While this news on the very limited capacity is obviously disappointing for clubs and their spectators, Offaly GAA requests that everyone adheres to the guidelines set down by the Government in the interests of public safety.

Furthermore, Offaly GAA are striving to facilitate supporters who are unable to attend venues by streaming some Senior Championship matches live each weekend, which will be in addition to the deferred showing of matches through Faithful TV. Again, full details of these plans will be publicised early next week.

Statement From Offaly GAA Chairman, Michael Duignan

“As we return to competitive action this weekend with the commencement of our U13 championship we are issuing our 2020 Covid-19 Regulations.

I just wanted to wish everyone good luck in the weeks ahead and just remind clubs of a couple of very important matters ahead of our meeting with all club Chairpersons next Tuesday evening.

1. Attendance at all matches is currently restricted to 200 in total including players, management, match officials, medical, media, supporters etc. We will be issuing further ticketing information in the coming days but, for now, at underage matches I would suggest that entry is restricted to players and their parents only. Please also be vigilant at adult challenge matches to ensure that the number is adhered to and again I would suggest asking non-playing club members to stay at home for now.

2. All persons at the matches must be encouraged to social distance if they are not from the same household.

3. Please ensure entrance and exits to venues have hand sanitiser clearly visible and in use.

4. All players must complete their Health Questionnaire before EVERY activity and again hands sanitised before and after activity.

5. Dressing rooms must remain closed.

6. Please ensure that your Covid-19 officer is given the full support of the club to ensure all guidelines are met.

I would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank all our volunteers for all their exceptional efforts to date as we return to competitive activity. Please keep it up and ensure that you are all fully compliant in the weeks ahead.

Best wishes to all our teams, it really is fantastic to see our club championships commencing.”

(Michael Duignan, Chairman, Offaly GAA)

By Offaly PRO Fri 17th Jul

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