The process to prepare a plan for the future direction of Offaly GAA is underway. Under the leadership of Chairman, Michael Duignan, it is the County Board’s intention to consult as widely as possible during this process.
The first phase of the consultation will involve gathering the collective views of the clubs of Offaly. This will be achieved by the hosting of Regional Club Forums where ideas and information will be gathered.
In advance of the Forums we are respectfully requesting clubs to complete the following;
1. Note the time and venue that requires your Clubs attendance – see sheet below.
2. Hold your own club meeting in advance of the Forum to discuss the issues and to appoint a delegation.
3. Appoint a delegation (up to 10 people) that represents a cross section of your club, Senior Officers, Players, Coaches & Volunteers etc.
The Forums will be 2 hours in duration and among other things the following items will be discussed;
1. Coaching & Games
2. Fixtures & Games Programme
3. Finance & Fundraising
4. PR Communications
5. Governance & Administration
6. Club Issues & Club Development
At the Forums, the attendees will be broken into groups each person will get an opportunity to give their views on each topic. At the end of the meeting we will be seeking Volunteers to commit to Focus Groups based on the above topics, to work over a 4 week period to develop the ideas gathered and to help formulate the plan.
In addition, in mid-April There will also be a targeted County wide Forum in the Faithful Fields in where a wide range of stakeholders from around the county and beyond will be invited to discuss the same issues. It is our plan that a Youth Forum will be held on the same day to capture the views of our younger members.