The final of Scór na nÓg, Uíbh Fhailí took place on Saturday 21th November in the Marian Hall, Birr. The following were the winners on the night.
Rince Foirne: Birr
Aithriseoreach Scealoicht: Niall Mahon (Kilcormac/Killoughey)
Ceol Uirlise: Kilcormac/Killoughey
Leiriu: Clara
Bailead Ghrupa: Shamrocks
Trath na gCeisteanna: Shamrocks
A special word of thanks to all the clubs that who took part and all in Offaly GAA would like to wish the winners the best of luck on December 13th in Arklow, Co. Wicklow.
If you like any further information on Scór please contact Ms. Michelle Ni Ogain, (Runaí, Scór, Uíbh Fhailí) on 087 4163056.